Lakeside Recommends - Early Sowing

Lakeside Recommends - Early Sowing

As another New Year begins it's time to start thinking about sowing early seeds such as sweet peas, herbs, onions, tomatoes, peas and beans, To tie in with early sowing Lakeside are offering Garden Club members 3 for 2 on all Thompson & Morgan seeds in January, so it's a good time to call in, stock and up and start sowing. Why not try growing new for 2025? How about Baby Black Jack Aubergine, Yellow Moon Carrot or Astra Rose Sunflower? It may become a popular choice! January is also a good time to think about chitting seed potatoes and generate those sturdy sprouts ready for planting in early Spring. By exposing your seed potatoes to plenty of light and warmth, you spur them out of dormancy and into growth mode. Plus, planting potatoes when they’re already activated and ready to grow is one of the best ways to avoid potato blight and encourage a plentiful harvest.

Valid until 31 January 2025
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Time to get sowing those early seeds!